王博士于2013年初加入重阳投资。重阳投资是中国国内最大的私募证券投资基金之一, 管理资产规模逾百亿人民币。2011-2013年任中国国际金融有限公司董事总经理, 投资银行部执行负责人。
2007-2011年,担任摩根士丹利大中华区董事总经理, 首席经济学家。
Chongyang Investment is one of the largest hedge funds in China with AUM over US$2bn. Before joining Chongyang Investment in early 2013, Dr. Wang was Managing Director and Deputy Head of Investment Banking Department at China International Capital Corporation (CICC) during 2011-13. Dr. Wang joined CICC from Morgan Stanley, where he was Morgan Stanley’s Managing Director and Chief Economist for Greater China during 2007-2011. Dr. Wang’s economics team at Morgan Stanley was ranked No. 1 by Institutional Investors for two consecutive years in 2010-2011. Dr. Wang was the Head of Economics & Investment Strategy for Greater China at Bank of America during 2005-07. Prior to that, Dr. Wang spent six years (1999-2005) as an economist with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Dr. Wang holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Maryland at College Park, USA. He also holds a B.A. in economics and an M.A. in macro-economic management from Renmin University of China.
Dr. Wang is a member of China Finance 40 Forum (“CF40”) and a member of Academic Committee of Shanghai Finance Institute (SFI). ■