颜金勇先生在调任贸工部长之前,于2011年5月至2021年5月担任卫生部长。在这期间,他推动并落实 “医疗保健2020”总蓝图,该蓝图概述了政府为确保医疗服务的普及性,质量和可负担性而制定的长期计划。
颜金勇先生的职业生涯始于新加坡公共服务。他曾在贸工部和内政部服务。1989年,他离开了公共服务部门转投私人领域,加入大众钢铁有限公司(NatSteel Ltd)担任企业规划经理。他在1996年晋升为大众钢铁执行副总裁,兼大众钢铁国际度假村和大众钢铁地产公司的首席执行官。颜先生于2005年出任大众钢铁首席执行官兼总裁。
Mr Gan Kim Yong was appointed Minister for Trade and Industry on 15 May 2021. One of his key priorities is to identify new growth opportunities in support of Singapore’s continued economic development. Mr Gan was also co-chair of the Multi-Ministry Taskforce, which directed and coordinated Singapore’s COVID-19 response, until it stood down on 13 February 2023.
From May 2011 to May 2021, Mr Gan was Minister for Health. He oversaw efforts to drive Healthcare 2020, a masterplan to ensure accessibility, quality and affordability of healthcare in Singapore. Under his leadership, the Ministry of Health invested significantly in building new healthcare infrastructure, and expanded the polyclinic and General Practitioner networks. Enhancements to long-term care financing measures were also launched, and a universal lifelong medical insurance was introduced.
As Minister for Manpower from April 2008 to May 2011, Mr Gan led the ministry’s efforts to minimise mass retrenchments during the economic recession in 2009. He also played an instrumental role in the development of manpower policies to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing business environment, and in building a Continuing Education and Training system for a globally competitive workforce.
Mr Gan’s other previous appointments include Minister of State for Education and Minister of State for Manpower.■