陈淑珊是星展集团企业机构银行董事总经理兼主管。她同时也担任星展印尼(PT Bank DBS Indonesia)的执行董事。在此之前, 她负责领导集团的消费银行及财富管理业务将近十年。
在加入星展之前,陈淑珊是摩根士丹利东南亚区私人财富管理主管。她也曾在花旗银行和分别在伦敦 、东京及香港的ING霸菱证券公司工作。
陈淑珊荣获《财资》(The Asset)杂志评选为亚洲六位女性中在2019年最有 可能在塑造银行及相关的金融服务业,最具有影响力与最突出的其中一 位。
2018年, 陈淑珊荣获“福布斯25位亚洲新锐女性榜” (Top 25 emergent Asian Woman Business Leader)以及同年在《数字银行家》(Digital Banker-)首次举行办的 ”全球零售银行创新奖 ” (Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards) 中评为“亚洲年度零售银行家”。她还获得了2018年Wealth Briefing Asia颁发的“终身成就奖”和《时代丽智》颁发的“2018 年丽智卓越奖 ”(Her Times’ Women Empowerment Award)。该奖项旨在表彰为商业、社区、女性权利和新加坡—印尼双边关系做出巨大贡献的女性 。2014年十月,陈淑珊成为新加坡第一位被英国金融时报集团旗下的《财富 管理专家》(PWM)和《银行家》(The Banker) 授予 “全球私人银行业最佳领导者” 。在2012至2014年期间,陈淑珊任新加坡官委议员。
陈淑珊是中央公积金局以及进化论X(EvolutionX Debt Capital Pte Ltd)(一家淡马锡与星展联合推出的成长期债务融资平台)的董事成员。
她也是丰树北亚商业信托 (Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust) 的董事。
陈淑珊已婚育有两个孩子,并积极参与本地的多项慈善事业,为慈善团体筹集基金。她担任为病人提供财力支持的新加坡保健服务基金旗下的新加坡竹脚妇幼医院捐赠基金董事会成员。陈淑珊也是国际妇女基金会和青年主席组织成员。在教育方面,她担任牛津大学林肯学院的顾问。 陈淑珊是新加坡金融女性协会(Financial Women’s Association) 的创办者。一家她创办于2001年的非营利性机构。为在金融行业的女士们给予协助发展和指导。
陈淑珊毕业于英国牛津大学,获颁文学硕士学位,主修政治、哲学和经济。她也完成哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)、斯坦福商学院 (Stanford Business School)以及奇点大学(Singularity University)的行政领导课程。■
Su Shan is Group Head of Institutional Banking at DBS. She also serves as the President Commissioner for PT Bank DBS Indonesia. Prior to leading the institutional banking business, she was Group Head of Consumer Banking and Wealth Management for close to a decade.
Before joining DBS, Su Shan was Morgan Stanley’s Head of Private Wealth Management for Southeast Asia. She has also worked at Citibank and prior to that at ING Barings in London, Tokyo and Hong Kong.
The Asset named Su Shan as one of the six women in Asia who are likely to influence and feature prominently in shaping the banking and associated financial services industry in Asia in 2019.
In 2018, she was nominated by Forbes Magazine as a “Top 25 emergent Asian Woman Business leader”. In the same year, she was also named “Retail Banker of the Year” by the Digital Banker in their inaugural Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards. She was awarded the “Lifetime Achievement” award at the WealthBriefingAsia 2018 Awards and the “Excellence Award” at Her Times’ Women Empowerment Awards 2018. Her Times’ Women Empowerment Awards recognises women who have contributed significantly to business, community, women empowerment and Singapore-Indonesia bilateral relations. In October 2014, Su Shan became the first Singaporean to be recognised as the world’s “Best Leader in Private Banking” by PWM/The Banker,a wealth publication by the Financial Times Group. She served as a Nominated Member of Parliament in Singapore from 2012 to 2014.
She is a board member of Central Provident Fund Board (CPF) as well as board member of EvolutionX Debt Capital Pte Ltd, (a fund focused on growth debt founded jointly by Temasek and DBS). She is also a director of Mapletree Pan Asia Commercial Trust.
Married with two children, Su Shan is actively involved in fund-raising efforts for various Singapore charities and sits on Singapore’s KK Hospital Fund Committee under Singhealth Fund Limited, which provides financial support to needy patients. She is a member of the International Women’s Foundation and the Young Presidents Organisation, as well as an advisor to Lincoln College, Oxford University. She is the Founder President of the Financial Women’s Association in Singapore, a non-profit organisation she founded and pioneered in 2001 to help develop and mentor women in the financial industry.
Su Shan graduated with a Master of Arts from Oxford University in the United Kingdom, where she studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics. She has also completed executive leadership courses in Harvard Business School,Stanford Business School and Singularity University.■