胡以晨(Robin Hu)

胡以晨(Robin Hu)



  胡先生是 Constellar Holding Ltd 的董事长,该公司是一家活动和展览公司,拥有泛亚洲的贸易展会组合,还经营着新加坡标志性场地 - 新加坡博览中心。胡先生是 Mandai Nature 的主席,这是一家非营利性基金会,在东南亚率先开展野生动物保护与生态环境治理的活动。他是新加坡广播公司 MediaCorp Ltd. 和通商中国的董事会成员,通商中国旨在连接中国、新加坡和东盟之间的商业领袖和双文化青年才俊。

  在加入淡马锡之前,胡先生曾担任香港上市英文媒体《南华早报》集团的首席执行官,领导该集团转型为以数字为核心的媒体平台。他监督了阿里巴巴收购后的转型和后续整合。作为高级执行副总裁,他领导了在新加坡报业控股 (SPH) 出版《联合早报》的华文报业集团。在 SPH 期间,他领导的写作团队用英文和中文制作了内阁资政李光耀的著作《我一生的挑战——新加坡的双语之旅》。

  在胡先生职业生涯的早期,他曾担任财政部的程序员分析师、以及司法机构、总检察院和议会的 电脑化部门负责人,在那里他构思并制定了 法院与律师事务所连线系统LAWNET 的总体规划,他曾服务于经济发展局并被派遣苏州,是新加坡-苏州工业园区的创业团队成员。九十年代后期,他在新加坡驻北京大使馆担任工业与投资参赞,之后投入新兴的第一代互联网的启动。

  胡先生曾在亚洲除新加坡以外的多个城市工作和生活,包括北京、上海、苏州、香港和台北等超过20年,横跨公共和私营部门的多个行业,是时事和地缘政治的热心关注者。他是李光耀公共政策行政教育学院的客座讲师,也是伦敦智库 OMFIF 国际顾问委员会的成员。

  2022年起胡先生被新加坡总统委任新加坡东帝汶非常驻大使并在同年四月份起担任美国智库米尔肯研究院亚洲区主席。 ■

  Robin Hu is Vice Chairman Asia at Temasek, a Singapore headquartered global investment firm. He is Chairman Constellar Holding Ltd, an event and exhibition company with a Pan-Asian portfolio of trade shows and exhibitions. He is Chairman Mandai Nature, a non-profit foundation dedicated to wildlife conservation in South East Asia. Prior to Temasek, Robin was CEO of Hong Kong listed English language Daily The South China Morning Post Group where he led the group’s transformation into a digital centric media platform that led to its subsequent divestiture.

  Robin has worked and lived in multiple cities in Asia, including Singapore, Taiwan, Beijing, and Shanghai, spanning multiple industries such as IT, Internet, media, finance and government. He is a keen follower of current affairs, policy development, and geopolitics. He is a fellow of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Executive Education at the Singapore National University, and a member of the international advisory council of London based think tank Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF).

  Starting 2023, Robin was made Singapore’s Non-Resident Ambassador to Timor Leste ahead of its ascension to full membership of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). In April same year, Robin assumes the role of Asia Chair of American think tank Milken Institute. In recognition of his contributions to the media industry, Robin was conferred an honorary doctorate degree by his alma mater University of Kent of the United Kingdom. ■
