陈凛是欧洲最大的科技私募基金维恩资本(Vitruvian Partners)合伙人,他自2003年以来担任逸飞投资控股集团首席执行官,同时他还是黄浦江资本创始合伙人、中国最大的风险投资基金之一策源创投(Ceyuan Venture)投资合伙人。陈凛擅长投资西方顶级科技媒体通信行业公司,助其在中国与全球扩张业务。
陈凛是常居上海的美籍华人,毕业于美国卡耐基-梅隆大学,获企业管理学士学位。在加入维恩资本(Vitruvian Partners)之前,他在纽约与中国内地拥有20多年的投资和基金管理经验,也是达沃斯全球青年领袖。他曾效力于多家知名全球投资公司,投资经验包括Farfetch、Flexport、GIPHY、GoEuro、分众传媒、一兆韦德健身、如家快捷酒店等诸多互联网、媒体、消费、物流企业。
Richard is Cortex Partner of Vitruvian Partners and head of China Region. Richard focuses on investments in the China and the wider Asia region. Prior to joining Vitruvian, Richard began his career in banking on Wall Street in the mid 90’s, before being the Chairman of Yifei Investment Holdings. Upon his arrival at Yifei Investment, Richard led the firm to an impressive track record from domestic success case Focus Media to global investment projects including FarFetch and Flexport. While at Yifei Investment, Richard co-founded Huangpu River Capital, where he once again put his international background and China market insight to work, leading multiple investment projects such as Grail, BitMain and Montage. He also co-founded Dragonfly Capital Partners, the largest global crypto fund of funds. Prior to joining Vitruvian Partners full time in 2019, Richard served a Special Partner to the firm for three and a half years, where he consulted on a number of projects. Richard is a US national and he has a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. ■