
贝德年(Dan Brindle)


  贝德年先生自 2020 年 9 月 1 日起担任诺华集团(中国)总裁,负责诺 华在华整合战略的制定和实施,包括外部合作伙伴关系和业务的拓展 以及市场准入等。

  在加入诺华前,贝德年先生在中国律所 ZY Partners 担任合伙人,专注 于中国公司法领域和外部战略合作的拓展。此前,他驻新加坡在葛兰 素史克担任全球政府事务副总裁。他也曾驻亚洲多地和美国,在辉瑞 和礼来担任多个高管职位。

  贝德年先生与亚洲特别是中国有着不解之缘。他曾深入亚洲研究,职 业生涯的大多数时间都与亚洲相关,并曾在 APEC 和美国-东盟商务委 员会等组织担任旨在促进亚洲与西方关系的重要角色。

  贝德年先生是加州律师公会成员,拥有刘易斯克拉克法学院法学学位 和普吉特海湾大学亚洲研究文学学士学位,并在康奈尔大学和南京大 学-约翰斯•霍普金斯大学中美文化研究中心完成了研究生课程。

  在加入诺华后,贝德年先生已与家人移居上海。除了英语母语之外, 贝德年先生可用中文、日语和西班牙语进行交流。

  Dan Brindle became President of Novartis Group (China) on September 1, 2020. He is responsible for developing and driving implementation of Novartis’s integrated strategy for China, including external engagement, business development and expanding market access for Novartis medicines in the country.

  Mr. Brindle joined Novartis from the China law firm ZY Partners, where he was a partner focused on China corporate law and external strategic engagement. Prior to this role, he was vice president, International Government Affairs for GlaxoSmithKline in Singapore. Mr. Brindle also held senior leadership roles with Pfizer and Eli Lilly & Company across Asia and in the United States.

  Mr. Brindle has a long-standing connection with Asia, especially with China. He has completed extensive coursework in Asian studies, spent most of his career in Asia and held important roles in organizations including APEC and the US-ASEAN Business Council, facilitating relations between Asia and the West.

  Mr. Brindle holds a law degree from Lewis & Clark Law School and is a Member of the State Bar of California. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Asian studies from the University of Puget Sound, and conducted graduate coursework at Cornell University and at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center for Chinese & American Studies in China.

  After joining Novartis, Mr. Brindle relocated to Shanghai with his family. He speaks English, Mandarin, Japanese and Spanish.■