联合国贸易和发展组织 (UNCTAD) 投资企业司司长,兼联合国《世界投资报告》主编、联合国《跨国公司期刊》主编、 联合国可持续发展证券交易所机制执理会主席。
詹晓宁领导创建了著名的世界投资论坛、 全球投资前景预测体系、国际投资政策监测体系以及全球可持续发展股市举措(全球各大证交所均为成员) 。由他主导起草的《国际投资政策框架》 、 《国际投资体制改革路线图》 、《全球投资政策制定指导原则》、《全球投资便利化行动纲要》 等全球新一代投资政策的纲领性文件,目前在上百个国家实施。
詹晓宁在投资、贸易、技术、公司治理、 创业政策、可持续发展投融资及国家产业发展战略等领域拥有多年的国际和国别工作经验,包括为许多国家的政府内阁及国会提供战略及体制方面的咨询、协助起草和谈判多边及区域首脑和部长会议的成果文件(如二十国集团、非加太集团、七十七国集团、非洲联盟、 七国集团、 东盟十国、 金砖五国等)。他领导的技术援助项目(包括制订和完善法律法规、国际投资体制改革、国际协定谈判、投资促进战略、 商业便利化、 知识产权与发展、国际会计及报告标准、创业政策框架、创业培训等)覆盖160多个国家。
詹晓宁兼任联合国与国际家族企业联合会的合作机制:可持续发展家族企业的执理会主席; 全球特殊经济区联盟(GASEZ)执理会主席; 世界投资促进机构联合会首席战略师。此外, 他曾在剑桥大学、 牛津大学、哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学和日内瓦大学等研究机构兼职,并先后任世界经济论坛先进制造业委员会和贸易投资委员会理事。 在投资、贸易及相关的经济和法律问题方面发表了大量的学术论文。 詹晓宁经常应邀在高端学术和政策论坛以及议会发表演讲,并接受国际经济贸易主流媒体专访。■
James Zhan is senior Director of Investment and Enterprise at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). He is also Editor-in-Chief of theannual UN World Investment Report, and journal Transnational Corporations.
Dr. Zhan has rich experience and expertise in trade, investment, technology,entrepreneurship, corporate governance, sustainable finance, business facilitationand national development strategies.
He has directed extensive research and policy analysis on key emerging issues,facilitated the formulation of outcomes at various summits (e.g. UN, G20, G7, ACP,APEC, BRICS, ASEAN, Commonwealth). He provided technical assistance togovernments and institutions (including cabinets and parliaments) in over 160countries.
Dr. Zhan led the formulation of global guidelines for the new generation ofinvestment policies, which have been used by over 100 countries and regionalgroupings. These include the Investment Policy Framework for SustainableDevelopment, Roadmap for Reforming International Investment Governance, GlobalInvestment Facilitation Action Menu, Guiding Principles for Global InvestmentPolicymaking, and Entrepreneurship Policy Framework. He initiated theestablishment of the well-known World Investment Forum in 2008.
Dr. Zhan chairs the Governing Board of the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative(with all major stock exchanges worldwide as its members). He co-chairs theExecutive Board of the UN-FBNi Family Business for Sustainable Development, as wellas co-chairs the Global Alliance for Special Economic Zones. He is the chief strategicadvisor for the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA).
He has held a number of advisory positions with academic institutions, includingCambridge University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Geneva University,and was research fellow at Oxford University. He was also member of the AdvancedManufacturing Council, and the Trade and Investment Council of the World EconomicForum. He has published extensively on trade and investment-related economic andlegal issues. He is a regular speaker at high-level policy, academic and businessforums, as well as parliaments. He appears frequently in mainstream media outlets.