苏晶女士拥有二十多年在投资银行、企业并购、风险投资和私募股权的经验,从业跨越两大洲,其中包括在亚太市场丰富的经验积累。她曾在科技 (Blackboard)、媒体(前美国在线时代华纳)和公共政策公司 (The Asia Group) 担任高级管理职务。她还曾担任联邦通信委员会高级主管。在加入富兰克林邓普顿之前,苏晶女士曾任位于旧金山的Golden Gate Capital运营执行官和亚洲战略主管。苏晶女士拥有韦尔斯利大学 (Wellesley College) 经济学学士学位。她是弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院 (Darden School of Business) 全球顾问委员会的成员。
Jing Vivatrat is president and chief operating officer of Franklin Templeton's Global Private Equity business. Ms. Vivatrat is responsible for expanding the firm's investment offerings and client reach, with a particular focus on private equity, venture capital and other alternative asset investment capabilities. Additionally, Ms. Vivatrat plays a leading role in Franklin Templeton's China business. Ms. Vivatrat is a member of Franklin Templeton's Management Committee, and is Deputy to Ben Meng, executive vice president and executive sponsor of sustainability.
Ms. Vivatrat has more than two decades of experience in investment banking, M&A, venture capital, and private equity, working across two continents, including extensive experience in Asia Pacific. Ms. Vivatrat has previously served in senior management roles in technology, media, and public policy firms. She also served as a Limited Term Appointee at the Federal Communications Commission. Before joining Franklin Templeton, Ms. Vivatrat was an operating executive and head of Asia strategy at Golden Gate Capital.
Ms. Vivatrat holds a B.A. in Economics from Wellesley College. She is a member of the Global Advisory Council of Darden School of Business.■