罗响博士拥有超过20 年在联合国担任高级官员的卓越领导力、丰富的国际工作经验与本地化执行能力,现 任联合国工业发展组织全球创新网络ESG & 碳中和投资指导委员会(SCECNI)主席,系在联合国可持续 发展议程框架下为支持实现可持续发展目标(SDG)及全球碳中和雄心计划而专注于为实现路径提供战略 顾问、特别项目筹款、碳中和投资、减排科技及作为联合国及其他国际机构的执行合作伙伴、资金筹集伙 伴、顾问及技术支持伙伴。
自2014 至2020 年,担任联合国项目事务署(UNOPS)中国代表,领导推动与中国政府及一带一路沿线 国家在重大项目管理(清洁能源、食品安全、医疗健康、数字经济),全球公共采购,社会影响力投资及 科技创新等领域国际合作,负责从战略规划、项目筹资与管理、政府及私营伙伴关系、团队能力建设、公 共宣传、风险管理及绩效评估等全局统筹管理。之前,曾长期在联合国工业发展组织与其他国际经济开发 机构负责产业集群战略规划、项目方案实施、国际资金、贸易及技术等资源与渠道整合, 涉及生命科技、医 疗健康、清洁能源、先进制造业,互联网金融及服务外包等诸多产业领域的数十个项目管理。期间曾牵头 多支国际私募股权基金及政府合作,组建超过十亿美元的专项产业发展基金及一亿美元的全球创新基金。
罗先生拥有工商管理博士学位,亦曾兼任美国麻省理工学院(MIT)创业投资指导,世界自然基金会(WWF) 中国区气候创行计划核心专家,社会影响力投资与采购基金会(SIIP) 联席主席,《经济日报集团》评为 “2020 中国智慧经济十大领军人物”。
Dr. Xiang Luo (Roy) has over 20 years of strong leadership, rich international experience and outstanding local implementation capability as senior positions in the United Nations and other international organizations. He currently is the co-chair of Global Steering Council of Carbon Neutral Action (GSCCNA), provides strategic advice, special purpose fiance, carbon neutral investment, sustainable technical and systematic solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and global carbon neutral pathways, under the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and Climate Change Ambition Planning.
From 2014 to 2019, he has served as country director of United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)-China, led international cooperation with the Chinese government and countries along the Belt and Road in major sectors (food security, health-care, digital economy), sustainable procurement, impact investment, and other SDG relevant . He is responsible for overall management from strategic planning, fund-raising, project implementation, government and private partnership, capacity building, public advocacy, risk management and performance evaluation. Prior to that, he was responsible for strategic planning, project implementation, and integrating platform of international finance, trade and technology resources in the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and other international economic development agencies, covering dozens of projects in life sciences, health-care, clean energy, advanced manufacturing, IOT and service outsourcing. He led the leading private equity funds and government partnerships to form over 1billion USD in special industry development funds and 100 million USD in global innovation funds.
Mr. Luo holds a PhD on business administration, and has also served as a mentor for youth entrepreneur at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a core expert for WWF China's Climate Initiative, and the co-chairman of Social Impact Investment & Procurement Foundation (SIIP). For his outstanding achievements in promoting the "global digital economy", he was awarded the special award of "Top Ten Leaders of China's Smart Economy 2020" by the Economic Daily Group.■