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  范易谋于2021年12月被任命为国际可持续发展准则理事会成立后的首任主席,自2022年1月1日起生效。他对可持续发展事业的热忱及其在达能这家跨国食品公司任职达20年的丰富领导经验广为人知。他于1997年加入该公司任首席战略财务官,2014年起出任首席执行官,并于2017年至2021年担任董事会主席。2021年10月,他成为阿斯塔诺风险投资公司(Astanor Ventures)的合伙人。

  范易谋曾在非洲、亚洲、美洲和欧洲等多地生活并担任高层领导职务。他发起创立过多个国际组织和倡议并在其中担任主席,包括生物多样性联盟(One Planet Business for Biodiversity-OP2B)和七国集团商业包容性发展联盟(G7 Business for Inclusive Growth),其中,他与经济合作与发展组织(OECD)秘书长共同担任后者的联合主席。他创建了达能共同基金(Danone Communities),一项为弱势社区提供营养和水源的社会商业计划,还组建了生计风险投资(Livelihoods Venture),为新兴经济体的生态系统恢复和可持续农业发展提供资金支持。

  在加入达能之前,范易谋在乐可利工业集团(Legris Industries)先出任首席财务官,后升任董事总经理。他还在巴林兄弟银行(Baring Brothers)从事过投资银行工作,并在贝恩公司(Bain & Company)任职顾问。


  Emmanuel Faber was appointed as the inaugural Chair of the International Sustainability Standards Board in December 2021, effective 1 January 2022. He is well-known for his passion for sustainability and his leadership positions at multi-national food products company Danone for the past 20 years. He joined the company in 1997 as Chief Financial Officer, Strategy, and served as its Chief Executive Officer from 2014, as well as Chair of the Board from 2017 until 2021. He became a partner at Astanor Ventures in October 2021.

  Faber has lived and held senior leadership positions in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. He has founded and chaired several international organisations and initiatives, including the One Planet Business for Biodiversity coalition and the G7 Business for Inclusive Growth coalition―co-chaired with the OECD Secretary General. He initiated Danone Communities, a social business initiative providing funding to bring nutrition and water access for vulnerable communities, as well as the Livelihoods Venture, which provides funding for ecosystem restoration and the development of sustainable farming in emerging economies.

  Prior to joining Danone, he held roles as Chief Financial Officer and later Managing Director at Legris Industries. He also has experience from investment banking at Baring Brothers and as a consultant at Bain & Company.

  He holds a Master’s degree in business administration from HEC Paris, France.■
