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  史女士亦为汇丰控股有限公司非执行董事、香港上海汇丰银行有限公司非执 行副主席及联合利华独立非执行董事。她也是瑞典资产管理基金会的高级国际顾问及苏富比国际咨询委员会成员。此外,史女士亦为中国证券监督管理 委员会国际顾问委员会副主席及国际证券交易所联会董事。

  史女士于2001年1月获中华人民共和国国务院委任为中国证券监督管理委员 会副主席,为中国首位来自境外的副部级官员,至2004年9月卸任后回港。 史女士于1991年至2000年任职香港证监会,并于1998年担任其副主席一职。

  史女士于2001年、2009年及2017年获香港特别行政区政府先后颁发银紫荆 星章、金紫荆星章及大紫荆勋章,表扬她在公共服务的贡献。

  Laura M CHA

  Mrs Cha is a member of the Executive Council of the Government of Hong Kong, Chairman of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd, Chairman of the Financial Services Development Council of Hong Kong and a member of Financial Leaders Forum.

  Mrs Cha is the Non-Executive Deputy Chairman of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, a Non-Executive Director of HSBC Holdings plc, and an Independent Non-Executive Director of Unilever plc. She is also a Senior International Advisor of Foundation Assets Management Sweden AB and a member of Sotheby’s International Advisory Board. In addition, she is Vice Chairman of the International Advisory Council of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. She is a Director of the World Federation of Exchanges.

  Mrs Cha became the first, and to-date, the only person outside Mainland China to join the Central Government of the People’s Republic of China at the viceministerial rank when she was appointed as Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission in January 2001. She served in that position until September 2004. Mrs Cha worked for Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong from 1991 to 2000, becoming its Deputy Chairman in 1998.

  She was awarded a Silver Bauhinia Star in 2001, a Gold Bauhinia Star in 2009 and the Grand Bauhinia Medal in 2017 by the Hong Kong Government for her public service. ■