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  沈联涛(Andrew Sheng)是布里斯托大学(University of Bristol)的署理名誉校长和香港大学亚洲全球研究院的杰出研究员。同时,他也担任马来西亚宏愿开放大学(Wawasan Open University)乔治市开放与高等研究院(George Town Institute of Open and Advanced Studies)的主席。他也获得布里斯托大学授予经济学一级荣誉学位,以及布里斯托大学和马来亚大学授予荣誉博士学位。他目前也是马来亚大学和清华大学的客座教授。他也曾担任中央银行家及金融监管者,目前定期在世界报业辛迪加(Project Syndicate)、亚洲新闻网络(AsiaNewsNet)以及中国和亚洲多份主要经济杂志和报章就金融和经济等话题撰写文章。

  Andrew Sheng is Pro-Chancellor of Bristol University and Distinguished Fellow, Asia Global Institute, University of Hong Kong, as well as Chairman, George Town Institute of Open and Advanced Studies, Wawasan Open University, Malaysia. He has a First Class Honours in Economics from Bristol University, and Honorary Doctorates from University of Bristol and University of Malaya. He is also Adjunct Professor at the Tsinghua University and University of Malaya. A former central banker and financial regulator, he currently writes on financial and economic issues for AsiaNewsNet and Project Syndicate, as well as Caijing and Caixin magazines in China.■